Future Projects

The launch of this latest version of Panzer Ace: Michael Wittmann would mark the one hundredth anniversary of Michael Wittmann’s birth on 22nd April 2014, and the task now is to build on what is already here and add more features with the aim of building on the site’s reputation as an historical and educational resource.

There are a number of planned future projects, including more photographs and videos of the locations mentioned in the text. A first successful planned trip in the summer of 2014 to Villers-Bocage and Gaumesnil has already been used to create a new and exclusive “Then and Now” photo feature, while the articles on the cemetery at La Cambe have also been updated with new photographs and video footage. For Tiger I enthusiasts, trips to the Musée des Blindés in Saumur and the Deutsches Panzermuseum in Munster are also on the agenda.

Of course, you the reader can also help to improve the site – joining the many others of fellow enthusiasts who have helped me get this far with what has been and remains a fulfilling and enjoyable project. If you have any memories, stories, photographs or trivia to offer, please do get in touch – everything is helpful, no matter how small.

You can also keep up to date with future events and receive the latest updates on our dedicated Facebook page.

The Story of Michael Wittmann