Document Archive

This section contains a selection of original documents collected from Michael Wittmann’s official personnel file. As well as including images of the originals, I have also attempted to translate the content so that the items are more meaningful for English-speaking readers and useful for historical researchers.

This section includes documents including Wittmann’s Curriculum Vitae (Lebenslauf) written in November 1937, family details and service record, as well as copies of telegraphs confirming his awards during the latter stages of the war as well as his death in battle on 8th August 1944.

I am continuously looking to update and improve this section, and any additional archive material, documentation and/or help will always be appreciated.


  • Wittmann’s Lebenslauf (Curricum Vitae). A summary of Wittmann’s career up until late 1937, handwritten by Wittmann himself.
  • R. u. S. Fragebogen (Ancestral Questionnaire). A two-page document completed by Wittmann in November 1937, including personal and family details.
  • Service Record Sheet. A summary of Wittmann’s service following his being made an officer in December 1942. Contains details of his career including promotions and notification of death.
  • Telegram sent on behalf of Adolf Hitler to Armed Forces High Command confirming the award of the Oakleaves to Michael Wittmann, 30th/31st January 1944.
  • Memorandums issued following the award of Michael Wittmann’s Oakleaves. Confirmation of the award by Adolf Hitler, and a short note offering congratulations from Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler.
  • Recommendation from Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler for the award of the Swords to Michael Wittmann, dated 19th June 1944.
  • Note from October 1944 providing the basic details of Michael Wittmann being listed as missing in action.

These original documents have been collected from a number of sources, including Mike Hicks of (sadly, this excellent resource no longer exists) and Neill Stuart Thomson. Thanks in particular to Neill, who provided me with copies of items I had lost during a previous hard drive crash.

The Story of Michael Wittmann